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Who we are!

Maria Demetry

I started my studies with "Inner Alchemy School of Consciousness"

in 1990. Where I worked as the director of "The Center of Inner Alchemy" in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Since 2010 I am part of the "IAfW".

Now, together with our team, I coordinate and teach FM workshops in Europe, where I also offer private sessions of:  

Alchemical Coaching

Counseling women and couples


Energy, Healing & Integration

Eugenia Cusí

At the "Inner Alchemy School of Consciousness" since 2009.

Founding partner and President of the "Inner Alchemy Spain Association".

Currently I teach "IAfW" applying the principles of the school with children and teenagers and also in business environment.

I am Industrial Engineer and I work as a CEO in a restoration group in Mallorca, Spain.


Olga Hostak

Inicié mis estudios en la Escuela de Conciencia de Alquimia Interior en el 2010.

Socia-fundadora y Tesorera de la asociación "Alquimia Interior España".


Actualmente soy facilitadora de AIplM y dinamizo a la mujeres de mi entorno en actividades lúdicas, meditaciones, círculos de mujeres, sesiones individuales, etc.


Nacida en Rusia, he vivido en varios países de Europa.


Actualmente trabajo como protésica dental en un laboratorio en Mallorca (España).

Aurora Duarte

At the "Inner Alchemy School of Consciousness" since 2013 following my deep yearning to find the Truth behind every human expression.


Trained as a life-coach, psycho-embody therapist and master's degree in nlp.


I currently offer workshops and circles for women and I am facilitator of "IAfW" in Spain.

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